O' Shaughnessy

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of O' Shaughnessy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Bridget estimated from 1870-06-23 to 1870-06-25 before 1871-06-30 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
Bridget 1877-07-21 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
Catherine 1878-12-24 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
Elizabeth 1918-07-02 1918-07-17 O' Shaughnessy, James Casey, Mary Teresa
Hannah 1881-07-09 after 1918-10-04 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
James estimated 1878 Casey, Mary Teresa
John 1867-11-24 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
Kate 1915-11-21 1915-12-21 O' Shaughnessy, James Casey, Mary Teresa
Margaret May 1876-06-18 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
Mary 1868-12-05 McLean, John O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
Ned 1871-06-04 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
Norah 1874-03-31 1948-01-21 Dempsey, Maurice O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine
William calculated about 1842 1918-03-10 Hannan, Catherine
William 1872-12-18 O' Shaughnessy, William Hannan, Catherine