
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sullivan. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
James estimated 1891 McAuliffe, Nora
John 1884-12-06 Sullivan, Michael Conway, Helen
Margaret 1887-12-24 Sullivan, Michael Conway, Helen
Michael calculated about 1836 Conway, Helen Conway, Helen
Nell 1922-08-00 2011-02-00 Coughlan, [Living] Sullivan, Patrick Geary, Kathleen
Patrick 1895-01-19 Geary, Kathleen Sullivan, Michael Conway, Helen
Sean 1928 2010-01-00 Sullivan, Patrick Geary, Kathleen
Tom 1890-01-10 1975-03-00 Sullivan, Michael Conway, Helen
William 1882-12-10 Sullivan, Michael Conway, Helen