Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915

Author Secretary of the Commonwealth. Massachusetts Archives, Boston.
Publication information


Name index and images of state birth records from 1841-1915. The registers of births are first arranged in volumes by year. Within the volumes the birth entries are arranged by town then numerically by the number it was entered into the registers. May include a few births for 1840.


  1. Helen Phelan b1912 - ID #p 186, Massachusetts Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 2,409,818.
    1. Birth
    2. Phelan, Helen Ruth
  2. Mary Hannan b1911 - ID #rn 154 p 176, Massachusetts Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 2,409,218.
    1. Birth
    2. Hannan, Mary Elizabeth
  3. Thomas Hannan b1908 - ID #p 168, Massachusetts Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 2,315,250.
    1. Birth
    2. Hannan, Thomas J.
  4. William Hannan b1913 - ID #p 184, Massachusetts Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 2,409,731.
    1. Birth
    2. Hannan, Bill